santa mistura
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Last night I was angered with the absence of our Mr. Lula ( really a Squid), present president and candidate 1 more time for our president elections. We do not deserve this disregard. And he did me decide, I am going to vote for the first time in my life, I´ve deny to participate of any political positioning during mine 46 years of age, I was born practically in the environment of the AI5, my father was annulled, as I saw to be annulled the culture and in the same package, our future, by coward agents. Years that we don´t decide the direction of our country, years that vultures rolls our fates, they´re living with our work, better, from our daily fight. If I was able I would vote 3 candidates to our presidency that were yesterday in the TV Globo, Heloísa Helena represent the northeast, Cristovam Buarque that have started a beautiful project for education that deserved to be resumed, but finally, with certainty Geraldo Alckmin looked calmer for treat with all the graves questions of our country, in this moment is better be not very emotional our news president, it´s also sufficiency experiences with our lives. I am without job fix in my area, since the beginning of the Lula´s government , I imagine the dramas that exceed mine, spreaded in all country. Fashion Bubbles, I vote today in this brazilian blog, with 4 post well interesting, fighting to a better country! !!! because the fashion involves the work of millions peaples, because with or without structure, they are informing what is happening here and outside, with facts, because they are doing fashion with the lility. Sometimes, I see that the posts happen early morning. We are really a country of heroes... to the exception of the president and his gang, It´s clear!
coutorture is a fashionable very complete blog, the pictures of the post coutorture I found in flickr , from parade (image) of mine preferred American brand DKNY, that show now a campaign on line in a virtual magazine, all the pictures are produced in the streets, with the same urban signs marked over the footbridge of the runway
everything cute inside the very modern e-commerce Yoox, lively personages, the color of the site in the segment kids, the products and winter collection are a delight ;))AND there you can choice to know the collection by age, brand, family of product, colors, or still, option latex arrivals, ascending price... etc etc and +
as usual, the edition of this virtual fashion magazine are wonderful, flood of editorial about the fall 2006 with links and + links
Jocy de Oliveira, Prize-winning composer here and outside, one of the pioneers in our country in multimedia and stage electronic music, since 60´s. From the Greek myth Medéia and medieval melody in French´s archaic, Jocy produced a spectacle that approaches the aspect transgressor and the conflicts of woman´s present. During 70 minutes you will watch the opera interpreted by the German soprano invited Sigune Von Osten (days 28 and 30) and by the brazilian Gabriela Geluda (day 29). Everything in Greek (cwith only some words in others languages), it is a true sonorous experience, in some moments translated (in Portuguese) by Marilena Bibas. The final hype is model and direction by the fashion designers Jum Nakao e Kiko Araújo. The actresses appear in incredible suits, deeds of cords. In the face, warlike paintings. All more than contemporary. Unmissable. via radar 55
in current season, you knows the winter collection winter by raw material or finishement, example embroideries, after... Tennis, purses and accessory, and I found super curious to have a segment separeted for marriage ;))
Colours, Tone Collages Autumn 2006 Winter 2007 - the link Fashion-era is ugly but the information is goooooood ; )) summary in panels of the colors that are being used in the next season, with txt, pdf, so the link are fullllllll of many fashion information, to the left, the navigation for research/ summary about trends today, Up, continues like as I knew the link before you find the history of the clothing. So, ugly or not, the link "has" to be 1 favorite
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Can a T-shirt Change the world?? certainty it can help the world get better... Gap is lauch partner of product(RED), and initiative founded by Bobby Shriver and Bono,to raise awareness and to produce (product) red products. Gap(product) Red is about helping you make a difference in Africa. We´re contributing half the profits from gap(product) Red to the global fund, to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDs in Africa. The color of the project is red, highlight of winter 2006 / 07. Congratulations to everybody envolved, who thought the project, who participates, who that go to give up their profits for this causes and for who buys also. The collection Red of the Gap will be available in the site at 13 of October. Dreams with a special campains in Brazil, It could throw this project electing the green of our forests for help our Indians, the white of the stars for our peace and future of the lacking minors spreaded by all our country, and why not also the red one, for catch lift in this campaign, and help ours seropositive... we have so bigs socials and economics problems here, that I find that all the colors could to be able to be a color for news actions like that one.
Blighty Birds: "As Fashion Fringe Chairman Tom Ford watched from the front row, models at the emerging talent runway show displayed shocks of frizzed hair and slick dark lips from the contest's finalists" + info click here
JCReport: "Many designers solved the conundrum of translating the difficult autumnal proportions by unwrapping layers to reveal refined silhouettes, while others steered clear of experimentation by defining their own takes on classic American sportswear." What I worship in JCreport is that beyond the txt, always, it bring to date about fashion, they also always facilitate with the links of the brands in the middle of the post, so I read and I go to the links for dive subjects, brands etc and etc, to confer everything;))
1 e-commerce to a very definite niche - snow + street + skateboard - accessory, male, and female segment
1 very cute link for stayed hours and hours uncovering links and + links, objects of decoration, stationery, everything with a lot style for this post I chose Not Neutral, but all posts are excellent!!!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
all project is marvelous, 1 fantastic collection of purses that uses, only, stuff recycled, with design Made in Italy
blog Amy Sol, i love alllll works, The plants remit me to a book that have about the medieval age, but in fact is so contemporary her work, naïf, surreal, smooth... is pretty!!!
The design of this site is super different, panels and panels retros for to present 1 collection of tennis, but is exasperating the navigation for the lateral because never stop exactly where you want, but in the middle of so many buttons some surprises for to uncover.
The collection is a "travel", that leads little chicken in hands... sometimes the designers exaggerate in transmit new comcept and creation or you think not??
they said ... **KanaBeach, All Different But All Together** a nice collection for young or for who feel young like me ; ))
Monday, September 25, 2006
1 summary of trends for accessories developed by the infomat, wonder...
It´s a big good work... the collection, the site, and revelations in the tarot... after they suggest "strange links" for to visit, some insn´t so much strange, and others with good music, this one that I detach makes me to remember Santana ... so, enjoy amigos invisibles... alllllllll good!!!
I found who is the painter of Adidas Store the link is 2d3d4d illustration by Felix Reidenbach,post by the excellent blog designcollector.
1PDF for download with a color card suggested by pantone - fashion , other card colors available inside this site, special edition... premiere vision and winter 2007
Sunday, September 24, 2006
the setting, backstage of the show, the big day, inviteds, the fans, the photographers... the show and , after, a lot commemoration and flash and + flashes
1 new fashionable blog in Portuguese with texts that I always wich to read about the all fashion shows, everything well, clear... example, it post ... the summer collection of Daniella Issa Helayel, of the brand Issa, was flood of animal prints, of more varied kinds: ounce, giraffe and to Dalmatian. The piece key of the collection – of the season also – is the dress... and the txt continues;))
Summer Collections 2007 + music "so disgraceful" + 177 photos = so graceful
and the song said... enjoy your lables, i said, enjoy it with Hint Fashion ;)) and after, 1 video (of the band), at least curious straightly of the Hint menu or click here
Saturday, September 23, 2006
The blog is excellent, post fashionable and design, many many links, in the midlle of all posts - Made in Brazil - Redley... professional Vagabonds... I begin reviewing the link and reading 1 question... How many times we dream to be in "the open air" full time and in addition live with it... and the dreams lived by 4 athletes, after, very pretty collection, that looks me to an small adjective looking all stills. ... and the song?? Doens´t let me to leave the linkkkkkkkkk
1 link for the weekend... full of links;)) and today he suggested my blog, I just love it ;)) thanks
And I´ve visited several links and I uncovered, in this Saturday with a big sun shining in Rio, the beaches of 1 Brazilian blog islandsbrazil, well today, championship of surf Pro-junior in macumba... 1 day with a very pretty sun... link´s for to be inspired...
she - Daniel Riera - excellent music, 1 mix half 80´s, opera, Deutch, and videos in loop... great for to look at in a Saturday ;))
The link with 1 + more service of fashionable information, beyond the special sections, about bags, "most Wanted", about the new silhouetas for the winter 2006 /07, now, with 1 style guide that celebrates the London fashionweek. That good for U$ssssssssss ;))
Friday, September 22, 2006
Katt Tilley said " I design clothes for women who want to express their inner existence, balancing between fragility and strength" and Dulce Pontes said Katt is an alchemist with clothes.
The link is marvelous, the collections and all other application of her work, illustrations, interior design- the project of Royal Windsor Grand Place Hotel- Bruxelles - it is a scandal!!! finally, go to visit and enjoy it ;)) - via ullabelula
impossible not to post about this link 1 + time ;)) dolls and fascinating dolls... the image is from 1 link that she found of an artist that develops everything in paper - Miss Clara - fairies and others personages, shoes of princess of some delighted garden, miniatures sometimes with 3 or 4 cm, incredible!!
... Juicy Couture swept the land and they live happily ever after. the link has 4 collections, women, men, couture and kids, with easy navigation ;))
I found in this blog some links for to distract in this weekend, good laughs with the project/link move-me and I´ve voted in Jack Nicholson in best stuff... the others links suggested all I knew before... Ikea, nudie jeans etc and +, really the choices are all good;))
Thursday, September 21, 2006
the cool hunter post "Trend spotters are combing through the world of blogs in a feverish search for the next big thing."
I felt that they talk about me but they doens´t the post are full of fabulous links , some I visit always like facehunter, eurobrat, designspotter, trendwatching , buzzmachine, sethgodin and new for me is blog sassybella really it is very good for the to read with calmmmmmmmmmmm
via Urban junkies- if you find TV too passé, there's always the Internet. bills itself as 'your personal lifestyle dossier' delivering bite-sized video snippets on everything from the latest bar to blow-drying tips. And if you don't agree with them you can always just click on the next item.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
1 fashion editorial about the violence... strange... 1 editorial fashionable with scenes of urban violence always against the woman... I don´t know... apology the violence, drugs, wars in editorial fashionable doens´t let you confuse??
1 editorial that detaches 1 aspect of the winter 2007 parades - the masks, the link has great others editorial for to look at... v-bay: Military and V DREAM Covers are marvelous;)) via ag407

the link is an e-commerce, I found some products differentiated, some well customised