the big voice of
Sandra Sá in a duet with MvBill, animation together... Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese, "favelês", bar´s language, "axé"! !!!!!!... It should be good blood!!! exciting video clip that I found in
dimaquina blog, appropriate to VMB 2006 of Better Clip of Rap the final message of the post says... "The relevance of that work is to be able to say what was deed can to serve, in some way, for inspire those children. Don´t let this "cliché" despise that phrase, because it´s true. All the persons involved: Bruno Murtinho, director; Pablo Ribeiro, publisher; Bernardo Varela, final editor; Giosimi and Alexandre Romano - design and animation. Together with us, design Dimaquina, we believe, in some way, everything what MV Bill has deed by the Brazilian society. It would be a lot pretension or innocence believe that a video clip can to change the world. But if some children will have a different future, the video already will have reached his objectives."