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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I saw a Post in Fábio Seixas blog, excellent research about behavior of Young consumption, developed by the publisher Abril. More than, analyzing only the young segment, I find that the subjects approached trends consumption for adults also, or at least I identify me in all trends. I was read before also the same approaches in trendwatching. Abril link show short videos and in Trendwatching links and links with images... full of trends... 5*STAR*LIVING, SPOILING DATE, BEING SPACES, BRAND SPACES, BRANDED BRANDS, COUNTER-GOOGLING, COUNTERVALS, CRIBTIMONIALS, CURATED CONSUMPTION, CUSTOMER-MADE, DAILY LUBRICANTS, DIASPORA MANAGEMENT, DIGITAL EMBRACE, DORMANDISE, EARLY BIRDING, EASY-ASIA, EXCUSUMPTION, FEEDER BUSINESSES, FEUDLESS FAMILIES, FLORIDASATION, GARAGE INFLUENTIALS, GENERATION C, GLOBAL GARAGE SALES, GRAND BOUTIQUE, GRAVANITY, HOME TROTTING, HYGIENIA, HYPERTASKING, IMMI-MERCE, INFOLUST, INSPERIENCE... at VIRTUAL ANTHROPOLOGY and YOUNIVERSAL BRANDING