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Friday, November 24, 2006
I ´ve looked the most watched videos of Revver´s link (... is the first viral video network that pays. We believe in your talent and your right to share it with the world on your terms. Set your video free... ) with 3681579 = coca diet & menthos . Over the principal page the serie lonelygirl15 with his statements/ fiction , perceived like a virtual phenomenon via serendipidade blog. Continuing... other very interesting post i´ve found in bluebus blog = 1 book made for adolescents shake the marketing executives - cathysbook .And like it, we will understand + about the new generations´s world where the web is part of then life/ routine... intense, funny, plural world, certainty, disembarks news values, new esthetic , new behaviors... half tech + half crazy = everybody is a little... ;))